Sunday, June 24, 2007

No Tartar this time

Last night I went to Aster's Ethiopian restaurant with my mom and my sister, who is in town visiting. She likes the food, but we can cross it off my mom's list. Not her thing. I tried a couple of other things this time (it was definitely a smarter order), and it was good. As long as I stick to the milder dishes, then I am fine. I'm not much of a spicy foods eater. I can't wait to take Piper there so she can eat something familiar. It is definitely a different food from what we are used to. The coolest thing was that we saw that they have Sesame Street videos in Amharic! How cool! I will definitely get her one from there, if I don't find it in Addis.

I have started daydreaming again, since now I know she is ours. I hardly went into her room or even looked at her picture when we were waiting between court dates, because I was so scared. I was scared not only because rainy season was coming, and if it didn't go right, we were going to have to wait until later this year to get it cleared up, but also because, what if it was an issue that couldn't be cleared up? Thankfully, it's all good, now, but that was a horrible feeling!

I really wish that I could have videotaped Cam when I told him that she was coming home soon. He started jumping up and down and started laughing and saying over and over, "Sissy's coming home!" Then he ran into the kitchen to tell Dad (like he didn't know :)
It was awesome.

By the way, there is a funny blog on the Rooney blog. It is about the non-cuss words we use, especially around kids, when we really feel like letting one out. There are some pretty creative folks out there. It had me laughing. Go visit them and add to the list!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Thanks for the shout-out on your blog :) We have a winner posted now; hope you enjoy!
And GOD BLESS YOU during this waiting time you're in now. While I am itching to get our dossier off, I'm also sort of dreading that waiting time until we get our referral and then the wait to travel. Wait wait wait. As I'm currently not really doing any prep work around the house for the little urchin, I'm hoping that the time after we get our referral will pass quickly with all I have to get done then.
Anyway, hope the time passes quickly for you now.