Thursday, August 30, 2007

Piper's been up-sizing, again

Piper, this is not that kind of a picture...

Peeps has a fatty liver. Now, I know for a fact that she didn't eat at Burger Queen in Ethiopia and ordered all of her lattes nonfat at Kaldi's. Apparently, a fatty liver can develop in malnourished children, even though the body should distribute the fat elsewhere. I am not sure what this means, yet. Online, I read that a good diet could reverse this, so let's hope so. We are supposed to get a blood draw today(to check her levels and check another way for Hep((she's been clear 3 times, now)), but Brodan is sick, so we may have to do it tomorrow. I also get to do another "fun pack" on Piper's stools to make sure we have rid ourselves of the evil. TMI, but it smells gone, thank you very much! I really hope everything comes back ok with her blood, because she really needs the oral fungal stuff. I can keep it at bay, but it sure is a boil on my butt.



The Page Family said...

Hey Rachel,
Thank goodness for health insurance, huh?
See you all next weekend!!

Tami said...

Give the girl a burger will yah?! LOL So cute!!!!!!!!!!