Friday, November 16, 2007

Everybody Rise!


Piper Chaltu Elliott is officially Piper Chaltu Elliott! What a breeze the court date was. We had all of us there and my mom, too and it went really well. We were in and out within an hour. Only about 15-20 minutes were in actual court. We got some pictures with the judge and even more fun was getting to meet big boy Deacon Faulkner, who can now be found at the Faulkner's new blog. He was good lookin' boy. Poor Piper, he(at 13mos) may have even been taller than she (at 2) was. It was great to meet him and his family.

I just printed out this entire blog. It was 70 pages long without pictures. Unfortunately, if you copy and paste each month, the dates go backwards, most recent first, like on the blog. And there are no page numbers, so we don't want to drop the stack and play 70 Page Pick Up! It is not a pretty scrapbooky-stampy thing, but the sentiment is there in black and white.

Our camera is no good, so I have to wait for my mom's pictures to post them of our court date.


Carol said...

Congratulations, Piper! Rediet's official U.S. adoption was right after Labor Day - I think in the same courtroom as you! Tell Mom and Dad and your brothers congrats!

Laurzie said...

Yea! Congratulations! We're in the readoption process right now, too.